There is increasing recognition of the biological importance of taurine. Disturbances in taurine metabolism are seen in dysfunction al states as diverse as epilepsy, cardiomyopathy, Friedreich's ataxia and congestive heart failure, which combined with the antiepi1eptic and cardiotonic actions of taurine underscore the emerging clinical importance of this fascinating substance. This is the third book to appear on taurine since 1976. The last book (Taurine and Neuro1oeica1 Disorders, Raven Press, 1978) emphasized the involvement of taurine in central nervous system phenomena. These actions are further explored in this volume. In addition, nutritional aspects of taurine, particularly as these re late to development, have been increasingly recognized to be im portant parts of the taurine story. The marked emphasis placed on nutrition by a number of contributors to this volume is recognition of the meteoritic growth of this area. Are the multitudinous actions of taurine differential expres sions of a universal mechanism? There is surprising unity of opinion expressed by the scientists contributing to this volume, despite their differences in viewpoint and background, as the reader, tanta lized we hope by this remark, will discover.