From one of Canada's greatest journalists comes the epic story of British Columbia's Fraser River. As the dust jacket for the originally edition-published half a century ago-declared:
"Shaped like a giant fishhook stuck into the Pacific Ocean, the mighty Fraser is one of the most important rivers of North America, politically, economically, and historically. Compelling the reader's interest with the power and vigour of his narrative, Bruce Hutchison explores the Fraser's romantic history as one of Canada's two main channels of civilization. The Fraser's story is that of British Columbia and its people, and Mr. Hutchison shows that it provides some of the richest yet least known chapters in Canadian history. These he unrolls in an unforgettable panorama, from the days of Spanish discovery to the story of the city of Vancouver, the river's most remarkable product. In its gold, its steamboating, its fur; as a fisherman's paradise, and as the largest untapped source of electrical power in North America-the story of the Fraser is one of colour and high drama. It is exciting reading."
The Wynford Edition includes a new introduction by Vaughn Palmer, one of Canada's foremost political journalists and a winner of the Bruce Hutchison Award. Palmer's introduction puts both the book and Hutchison's career in historical context for modern readers.