Franz von Stuck's erotic paintings, especially "Die Sunde " (Sin), were controversial not only because of the choice of subject; his image concept and the way he presented the Munich Secession set the standard, particularly for Vienna. The catalogue offers an opportunity to examine von Stuck's works as a whole an d in relation to each other. Von Stuck's influence and his function as a role model in Vienna have hitherto only been considered en passant. This is surprising as he had his first extensive solo exhibition in the Kunstlerhaus in Vienna as early as 1892. V on Stuck, who was one year younger than Gustav Klimt, was a shooting star of his era and had become famous at an early stage as a result of the portfolio "Allegorien und Embleme" (Allegories and Emblems) as well as the "Karten & Vignetten" (Cards and Vigne ttes). The catalogue offers an opportunity to examine Franz von Stuck's graphic works, paintings and sculpture alongside the photographs he used as well as the wide - ranging effect of his oeuvre on Viennese art.