This was a dragon's world, that is before humans showed up. And having no choice as to who lived here, we learn to tolerate them. As time went by and the human's intelligence grew, the Father felt it safe to teach them from our Book Of Knowledge. With this decision, he unknowingly sealed our doom. After years of teaching, it was discovery that there would be born an evil human. This evil would be unknown to the dragon; but it would be chosen to learn our way and would use what it learned to destroy our world. But all was not lost for it was also discovered there would be a human born with the soul of a dragon, who would fight on the side of the dragon. These two humans would meet on a neutral plane called battlefield of magic to decide the fate of the dragon. Before this could take place the evil got its hands on the pages of the dragon and escaped in time with the good human hot on its heels. Now, the human dragon slayers are destroying the dragon. Can the dragon survive this new threat, or is all lost?