The papers that are published here offer a compelling look at a number of ways in which rural and frontier America is addressing alcohol and other drug abuse and the problems that accompany the abuse. Recognizing the efforts of AOD experts, caregivers, and communities in rural and frontier areas is one important goal of the Award for Excellence. Representatives of CSAT and NRIADA presented awards to the authors of the first, second, and third place papers at the National Rural Institute on Alcohol and Drug Abuse held in Eau Claire, Wisconsin in June 1996. David M. Paschane accepted the first place award for "Drug Use, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and SexRelated Risk Behaviors in Alaska," which he wrote with Henry H. Cagle, Andrea M. Fenaughty, and Dennis G. Fisher. The second place award was presented to Boyd D. Sharp, Rodney (Roadrunner) Clarke, and Richard Pohl for their paper, "In Rural and Frontier America, It Takes a Whole Community to Rehabilitate a Substance Abusing Criminal.