Journalist, Holly Webb is inadvertently drawn into a world of corruption and murder after being approached by marine biologist, Fay McAllister. The student claims that a professor friend of hers was murdered, after threatening to disclose the discovery of a blue marine creature. Could LFAS, (Low Frequency Active Sonar) operated by governments and energy companies worldwide be responsible for the increase in marine mammal beaching? Holly discovers the presence of a powerful organisation of wealthy investors, who understand the threat to their monopoly if the public demand the cessation of underwater operations. If a new species of humanoid were discovered, then mankind would no doubt intensify their protests. La Fraternite, a security company, consisting of ex-French Legionnaires is employed to ensure Holly and Fay do not approach the media with their story. Jan Lubinski is assigned to tail the girls and to do anything he can to dissuade them, including murder. The conclusion will not disappoint.