1909. Written by the wife of Albert Hubbard, founder of the Roycroft Press and Community. Hubbard writes in the Foreward: An aspiring student one day asked Dr. Charles Wesley Emerson the classic question. How can I become great? Eat great men! was the Doctor's quick reply. There is a story that Indians believed the spirits of those whom they had vanquished, entered into and reinforced the victor by so much the more strength. Carlyle said, Great men taken up in any way are profitable company. We build upon the past-or rather upon the lives of the great who have given color and form to the past. There has been no attempt in Life Lessons to write biography. In the seven subjects, the influence of the man or woman upon life and the times has been the motive of the writing. Somewhat of the influence of the lives of these great people is herein recorded in plain, simple language, the expression often homely. Possibly the book's only excuse for being is that it is the record of honest thought, written on stolen time. Contents: Susan B. Anthony; David Swing; Mary Wollstonecraft; Robert Louis Stevenson; Friedrich Froebel; Henry David Thoreau; and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.