Work on the human brainstem has been impeded by the unavailability of a comprehensive diagrammatic and photographic atlas. In the authors' preliminary work on the morphology of the human brainstem (The Human Nervous System, 1990), Paxinos et al demonstrated that it is possible to use chemoarchitecture to establish a number of human homologs in structures known to exist in the rat, the most extensively studied species. Now, with the first detailed atlas on the human brainstem in more than forty years, the authors present an accurate, comprehensive, and convenient reference for students, researchers, and pathologists.
Key Features
* The first detailed atlas on the human brainstem in more than forty years
* Delineated as accurately as The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Second Edition (Paxinos/Watson, 1986), the most cited book in neuroscience
* Based on a single brain from a 59-year-old male with no medical history of neurological or psychiatric illness
* Represents all areas of the medulla, pons, and midbrain in the plane transverse to the longitudinal axis of the brainstem
* Consists of 64 plates and 64 accompanying diagrams with an interplate distance of half a millimeter
* The photographs are of Nissl and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) stained sections at alternate levels
* Establishes systematically the human homologs to nuclei identified in the brainstem of the rat
Reviewed by leading neuroanatomists
* An accurate and convenient guide for students, researchers, and pathologists