Russia in Transition: Regional Integration, Media Censorship and Culture Institutes is an attempt to discuss the context of transition in the period of the last two decades in Russia, and give the panorama of Putin’s ruling ideology in national and social development by examining his regional policy and media policy both diplomatically and domestically. Russia-China relations will be the crucial defining factor in terms of international security in the Asian-Pacific region and, as such, are discussed in detail in this volume.The book is a result of a research program sponsored by the National Science Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, ROC, and the Asian Studies Program at Georgetown University, DC, USA (本研究計畫由行政院國家科學委員會、外交部、元智大學以及美國華盛頓特區喬治城大學亞洲計畫部共同贊助支持).The book is also attributed to “the Major Research Project of the Center for China-Russia Creative Collaboration on Humanity and Social Science”, No. 2012ZD010 (本書為「中俄人文合作協同創新中心重大攻關專案──俄羅斯社會轉型與傳媒發展研究」,批號為2012ZD010), and to the project of 18th IAICS-2012 Annual Convention at YZU in Taiwan (本書亦屬於由元智大學籌畫主辦的第十八屆國際跨文化傳播學研究學會的國際年會指定研究項目). This book is also the international co-project of YZU-MGIMO Forum (台俄國際論壇), the international research program of the Charhar Institute (察哈爾學會), the Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence of Universities (教育部獎勵大學教學卓越計畫), and Taiwan Foundation on Asian-Pacific Peace Studies (APS, R.O.C., 亞太和平研究基金會).