Thishandbookwasmotivatedinpartbyourexperience(andthatofothers)in performing research and in teaching about networked and embedded control systems (NECS) as well as in implementing such systems. Although NECS— along with the technologies that enable them—have become ubiquitous, there are few, if any, sources where a student, researcher, or developer can gain a su?ciently broad view of the subject. Oftentimes, the needed information is scattered in articles, websites, and speci?cation sheets. Such di?culties are perhaps to be expected, given the relative newness of the subject and the diversity of its constitutive disciplines. From control theory and communi- tions, to computer science and electronics, the variety of approaches, tools, and language used by experts in each ?eld often acts as a barrier to und- standing how ideas ?t within the broader context of networked and embedded control. With the above in mind, we have gathered a collection of articles that provide at least an introduction to the important results, tools, software, and technologies that shape the area of NECS. Our goal was to present the most important knowledge about NECS in a book that would be useful to anyone who wants to learn about any aspect of the subject. We hope that we have succeeded and that every reader will ?nd valuable information in the book. Wethanktheauthorsofeachofthechapters. Theyareallbusypeopleand we are extremely grateful to them for their outstanding work.
Editorial board member: R. Alur, K.-E. Arzen, John Baillieul, T.A. Henzinger