This dictionary is an indispensable quide to the study of the Latin Middle Ages. Though it records the usage of Classical and Late Latin current in this period (6th-16th centuries), it presents most fully the medieval developments of the language as revealed in a rich variety of printed and manuscript sources. This fascicule, the fifth of ten, presents hundreds of new formations from other languages - some of the borrowings here recorded in Latin centuries before their appearance in written vernacular sources.
Philologists will find many new formations from Latin roots, backformations from other parts of speech, and long entries for important verbs like inducere and ire and nouns like idioma, lingua and littera. Historians will find groups of words around jus, lada, landa, leuca and lex, philosophers around idea, inesse and intellectus, theologians around improcessibilis and innascibilis. There are large numbers of words of agricultural, technological, heraldic, botanic, medical, and musical interest and many words important in the development of English custom and law. There are also large numbers of words borrowed from arabic.
Textual critics and editors will find hundreds of places in which printed texts have been clarified and corrected by manuscript readings.
A binding case for the first five fascicules is supplied with Fascicule V.