Most managers are told to manage numbers, systems, and processes, and to get things done they need to motivate and engage the workforce. Does this sound familiar? The art of managing people is challenging, because most managers have never been trained in an integrative model that addresses management strategy, decision making, people's choices and behaviors, and exploring the skills needed to fill those roles. The number one corporate advantage is a motivated and skilled workforce. The goal of this course is to help managers achieve this end. The overall objective of this program is to provide managers with a set of strategies for managing daily business decisions and to explore the skills and strategies needed to implement them. William A. Howatt, PhD, EdD, Post Doc Behavioral Science UCLA School of Medicine, is CEO of Howatt HR Consulting Inc., a strategic human resources management company. Howatt HR Consulting focuses on assisting companies to gain a significant competitive edge by minimizing risk to talent equity. This is accomplished through defining, designing, and developing talent management solutions for removing potential talent equity risks and filling gaps.