Organizations that want to have effective managers must be committed to facilitating management development. The age-old question of whether a leader is born or is made has the same answer today as when it was first asked. One element for effective management is developing core skills such as thinking and decision making. A manager can have all the personality and expertise in the world but if they don't stop and think before they act, their business is at risk of not being around for the long term. 10 Elements for Effective Management is Volume 5 of the Howatt HR Consulting Talent Management Series that has been developed to promote strategic talent management considerations. Corporate leaders today are looking for strategic ways to align their business and people. One core element is to be committed to developing effective managers, because most people don't quit their roles; they quit their managers. So organizations no longer can afford ineffective managers. Each of the 10 sections in this book provides leaders with core management skills that are critical for a manager to be more effective in their role and interaction with their reports and operation. William A. Howatt, PhD, EdD, Post Doc Behavioral Science UCLA School of Medicine, is CEO of Howatt HR Consulting Inc., a strategic human resources management company. Howatt HR Consulting focuses on assisting companies to gain a significant competitive edge by minimizing risk to talent equity. This is accomplished through defining, designing, and developing talent management solutions for removing potential talent equity risks and to filling gaps.