Unsaturated Soils - Proceedings of Sessions Held in Conjuction with ASCE National Convention, Dallas, Texas, October 24-28, 1993
This proceedings, ""Unsaturated Soils"", consists of papers presented at sessions of the 1993 ASCE National Convention and Exposition held in Dallas, Texas, October 24-28, 1993. The papers include both practice and research in the analysis and design of geotechnical engineering and geo-environmental works in unsaturated soils. The first part on unsaturated soil behavior addresses the history, as well as current trends in unsaturated soil mechanics, methods of predicting volume change of compacted and naturally-occurring soils, laboratory and field methods for obtaining unsaturated soil characteristics, unsaturated flow, and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity determination. The second part on mitigation of expansive soil damage addresses engineering practice and case histories on shrink/swell behavior, performance of moisture barriers, and performance of foundations while it focuses on successful methods of avoiding or mitigating damage for soil movements. The issues addressed in these proceedings are intended to demonstrate the wide range on unsaturated soils problems and to show advances in unsaturated soil mechanics practice.