The rules of the One Hundred Fourteenth (114th) Congress were adopted on January 6, 2015, when the House agreed to House Reolution 5. In addition to a series of changes to various standing rules, House Resolution 5 included separate free-standing orders constituting procedures to be followed in the One Hundred Fourtheenth (114th) Congress. This revised edition contains the explanations of the changes to the standing rules that appear in the annotations following each rule in the text of this Manual.
The "House Rules and Manual "contains the fundamental source material for parliamentary procedure used in the House of Representatatives: the Constitution of the United Sates: applicable provisions of Jefferson's Manual: Rules of the Houe (as of the date of this volume); provisions of law and resolutions haviing the force of Rules of the House; and pertinent decisions of the Speakers and other presideing officers of the House and Committee of the Whole interpreting rules and other procedural authority used in the House of Representatives."