Since being widowed at an early age, Kendra Duchaine has led a quiet life as a teacher in her hometown of Claremont, Washington. Though at times lonely, she considers herself content until a chance encounter with the town's most prominent citizen turns her life into a frightening game of Cat and Mouse. Convinced her dilemma will be shrugged off due to the status of her ardent admirer Kendra feels she is alone in dealing with her problem. For months she's managed to ignore the multitude of letters, phone calls and expensive gifts, hoping in time her admirer would become less ardent. Her hopes fail one morning when she finds he's left a rose on her doorstep. In despair, and feeling her life must be jinxed, she reluctantly seeks help. Little does Kendra know, a 'Jinx' of another kind is in her future. Kendra's help comes in the form of, 'Jinx' Jenkins, a police lieutenant who, in a twist of fate, is also a widower. After listening to Kendra's story, Jinx is doubtful he can help, explaining her admirer might be too formidable an opponent for a police lieutenant. Yet, it's as that police lieutenant that he knows he cannot deny anyone help. It's as a man Jinx cannot deny he wants to help Kendra.