In the present research of engineering studies in the Department of Process and EnvironmentalEngineering in the University of Oulu the graduation processes of eight various groups of studentswere documented and analyzed. For the validation of the data triangulation method was availedof. The accumulation of study attainments was calculated and, using the measured data, thegraduation time models were created. A new method of modeling a non-linear study process byusing a Matlab step response model was developed. The model is exact in the essential area ofoperation and can be used in any educational organization which considers following the processof graduation important.
In this research study attainments were examined and explained with the help of self-regulationtest analyses. The test used in this research is based on a shortened version of Guglielmino’s SelfDirected Learning Readiness test. It measures the student’s capability for autonomous learning. Aconnection between good success in studies and observed self-directive learning was noticed asearly as during the second academic year.
The engineering study attainments were also compared to the study success in the uppersecondary school. The results show that the students with satisfactory learning results in the uppersecondary school did better than expected in their university studies. Instead, the students withbetter success in the upper secondary school than the group mentioned underachieved in theiruniversity studies. The students whose success was better than average during the first academicyear were also better during the following years.
Examining the study attainments of the eight elementary courses during the three years ofstudies showed that about 46 per cent of students passed the elementary courses in proper time.One year after the elementary courses had been given, 73 per cent of the students had passed them.