Prepare for exam success in six easy steps with this GCSE Biology revision guide. All the key content on your course is covered in a user-friendly format and the book is packed with features to help you boost your revision and maximise your marks.
All key concepts and skills are covered in this clear and user-friendly Biology revision guide. GCSE-style practice questions reinforce understanding and help students prepare for the exam with confidence.
Part of the Letts GCSE Success series, this revision guide will put you on the path to exam success in six simple steps:
1. Revise - all the key concepts and skills that you need for your exams are covered in a clear and user-friendly format2. Boost Your Memory - these revision tips will help you revise effectively, including mnemonics and other devices to make sure those important facts really sink in3. Maximise Your Marks - invaluable advice to make sure you pick up all the marks available in your exams, and avoid common mistakes4. Test Yourself - revise actively and check your progress with these quick tests5. Stretch Yourself - more challenging questions will test and reinforce understanding of the more difficult concepts6. Practise for the Exam - ensure you are thoroughly prepared for the exams with these GCSE-style practice questions