In this practical little book, the sixth in Paulist Press’s Catechist’s Guide series, catechists will find a wealth of timely information on how to use media effectively to connect with the iPod/cellphone/Facebook generation. A catechist’s role is not to just preach the Gospel but to proclaim it using every means at our disposal. This book explores today’s technological, multisensory media culture and then gives catechists the tools to preach the presence of God and more effectively relate media to the Gospel.
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• A practical guide for catechists on using the media.
• Excellent resource for workshops and/or retreats
• Helps catechists to connect to a new technological generation
• Makes the iPod, cellphone, and Facebook effective tools in proclaiming the Good News.
• Bridges the technological gap which now leaves some catechists at a disadvantage.
• With media literacy, catechists become more up-to-date and more relevant in the 21st century.