In an earlier work, Appreciating Whisky, Phillip Hills introduced the novel if obvious idea that what matters about any liquor is that it tastes nice. He analysed the flavours, some of great subtlety, which are to be found in any good Scotch whisky and recruited some of the Scotch whisky industry's leading experts to judge some of the whiskies. In The Scotch Whisky Directory, he has devised a simple but original way of presenting and evaluating the flavour of a whisky by means of a simple graphic and star-rating system. He applies this to all of the more important Scotch whisky brands - blends and grain whiskies as well as malts - showing what flavours are to be found in each. The judgements regarding the flavours have been made by four of the Scotch whisky industry's leading experts, whom Hills has recruited specially for the purpose. The result is a directory from which the consumer can get accessible, reliable and objective information about how whiskies taste. By using the simple flavour graphic and ratings, it is possible to explore the world of whiskies without having to drink them all to do so. Flavour profiles and star-ratings are provided for over 260 varieties.
The Scotch Whisky Directory is the definitive guide that sets a benchmark for all future discussion of the flavour of spirits of all sorts. Besides dealing with the origins of flavour in whiskies, the opening chapters give useful background information about the Scotch whisky industry, how it is organised and who owns it. The chapter on the ownership of brands is especially valuable to anyone who wishes to form a judgement as to the probable nature of Scotch whisky on sale anywhere in the world.