The Pink Puppet now extends Robert Hilles' literary reputation into the world of Flash Fiction. The twenty-six pieces span many time periods and locations. Here is what the Author says about this literary form: "I came to flash fiction through the prose poem. But now I am drawn to flash fiction because the form presents opportunities neither in the prose poem nor longer fiction allows. I like the rudeness and brevity of them. Unlike the prose poem, flash fiction focuses on key fictional elements like character, plot, dialogue, and drama. It is the drama and precision of the form that draws me to flash fiction. I like that in as little as one to three pages it is possible to convey complex relationships between characters. The briefness of the form presents huge challenges to writers, but it is that brevity that has allowed flash fiction to thrive over the past few decades. A key reason that readers are drawn to flash fiction is because in a few minutes of reading they can take in an entire story. The form demands as much of readers as it does of writers.