Photographer Hans Christian Krass approaches those buildings in Berlin, which reflect modern architecture, in an unusual way. He engages himself with their design language and their architectural structures, which often possess a striking graphic quality and consciously take up basic elements from abstract painting. In his succinct and straightforward photography he honours the architects' endeavour to give each building its own identity, its distinctive character - in a conscious departure from the serial construction method in the 19th century. The book focuses on Siemensstadt, an example of "new living," as well as buildings and ensembles from the 1950s and 1960s: Hansaviertel, Ernst-Reuter-Platz, the congress hall, office buildings in West Berlin such as the Kiepert Haus or Alexanderplatz with its TV Tower in eastern Berlin. One can also see examples of modern architecture until the beginning of the 21st century, for instance Berlin Central Station or the newly designed Bikini Haus.