"It's another great day to be alive"
I've gone through some difficult times in my life and some how I still try to find the "silver lining." There was a period though that I gave up and almost didn't survive. I look back now and see what I would have missed. By the grace of God, family and a few "real" friends I am here to enjoy life and all it has to offer. This collection of poems is emotional in ways; it may remind you of a friend you haven't seen in years or a similar experience. You may read one and it'll bring a tear to your eye or may touch your heart in a good way and make you smile. I've been through deaths of loved ones, a suicide, depression, divorces and health problems to name a few. I want people to know that we may have some bad days, but it will get better. There are people out there who love you. Prayer is a powerful thing and I highly recommend it. Look at your blessings and be thankful. As my husband Eric says "It's another great day to be alive."