Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Pocket-sized quick reference with the most current practice guidelines in cardiology! Great to have while on cardiology consults as a student, resident or fellow!
Cardiology Clinical Questions, Second Edition answers more than one-hundred of the clinical cardiology questions most frequently asked of the authors during the consultation. High-yield and a concise summary of the management of various cardiac conditions, and it fits in your lab coat pocket!
NEW to this edition: Updated guidelines for atrial fibrillation, hypertension, lipids, preoperative screening, congestive heart failure, valvular heartdisease, peripheral arterial disease, and more.
The book is logically divided into nine sections:Diagnostic Testing, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Valvular Diseases, CardiacDiseases, Examination, Arrhythmias, Congenital Heart Diseases, Heart Failureand Hypertension, and Medications.
• Covers virtually every topic seen on the wards and in your cardiology rotation
• Simulates the consultation process: consult question →data collection→ synthesis of data → solution
You will find Cardiology Clinical Questions to be the single-best resource for quickly translating the most current knowledge into practical, diagnostic real-time solutions. Perfect for Cardiology Fellows, Residents, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, third and fourth-year medical students.