This volume demonstrates the critically important role developmental psychology research findings have played and must continue to play in the design and implementation of effective public policy initiatives involving children. The editors begin by offering first person accounts from four researchers who pioneered the use of developmental psychology findings to inform public policy. Edward Ziglar reflects on his role in initiating and maintaining the Head Start Program, revealing that his standing as an impartial scholar rather than an advocate bolstered his credibility with policy makers. Ruby Takanishi discusses how her experience of marginality (as a woman, an Asian American, and a developmental psychologist) helped her in her work as a child advocate. Aletha C. Huston offers thoughtful advice on designing research so that it will yield results suited to public policy applications. Robert L. Selman describes how research and practice can strengthen each other research results can be used to design programs, analysis of the outcomes of these programs can yield new topics for research, and the results of this research can in turn can be used to further strengthen these programs.
The next four chapters explore contemporary examples of applying developmental findings to public policy. Nancy A. Busch Rossnagel describes the logic, methods and benefits of creating measures sensitive to the cultures and communities of specific research participants, rather than using measures developed only on samples of European Americans. Aaron Hogue provides a framework and practical examples for using rigorous implementation research to develop programs for at risk adolescents. Arguing that teacher development is vital for optimizing adolescent development, Ann Higgins DA Alessandro identifies four necessary work conditions for fostering teachers' personal and professional growth. Finally, Lonnie Sherrod presents seven principles for ensuring that research results can play a strong role in influencing public policy. This is the 98th volume of the Jossey Bass series "New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development".