The Picture Stone is a heartwarming and thought-provoking tale of a young girl's journey of self-discovery in a land of beauty and magic.
Mindy Magee, the central character of the book, begins her adventure at their family cottage after an unusual encounter with a large mysterious bird. Her encounter with the bird ultimately results in Mindy traveling to a castle in a far away land to attend a party with a young princess.
As a result of her journey, Mindy discovers first hand the cultural diversity of the world and the importance of communication and understanding. Along the way she comes into possession of a powerful magical stone and in the end discovers that she and other children of the world have been gifted with a very special power.
Upon returning home, Mindy enthusiastically tells everyone about her journey only to learn the adults in her life are skeptical of her tale of adventure. She soon learns that not everything can be logically explained. Why not join Mindy and learn if you too have been gifted with the special power?