Studying for your future. Successful study skills, time management, employability skills and career development. University study is about both the topic you've chosen and preparing yourself for your future career. As the job market has become more and more competitive, it is the transferable skills that students have that will get them that all important first job. Personal development planning (PDP) is the route to help students take control of their own development. This will enable them to become independent life long learners and far more employable. A checklist to put together a portfolio to show a prospective employer. Learn the skills to prepare you for your degree. Help you with literature reviews, referencing and writing skills. Goal setting to help you focus on your future. Sort out your time planning. Improve your study skills and exam preparation. Prepare you for employability. Help you to carry out a career search and improve your interview technique. How to write a great CV, covering letter and fill in your job application. Free downloadable exercises from . A huge toolbox of skills for success to help you get your dream job.
About the author - Angela Hepworth Angela has been teaching for over twenty years in both Further and Higher Education. Her expertise is in developing students' academic skills on their degree programmes and also encouraging students to achieve their goals along their journey, both personally and professionally. Angela has taught over 15,000 students and every one has been of upmost importance in helping her to also achieve her own personal achievements, growth and job satisfaction. She is indebted to the students that have taken her advice and then gone on to achieve their goals. It is an honour to be in such job that allows for such an exchange of motivation and inspiration to take place. What do people think? Through personal development planning (PDP) I have learned the skills appropriate for my job field and know how to act in a job setting. I believe PDP is good for identifying skills to be improved and used to further yourself in your career opportunities. The skills I've learned will be useful for years after the course is complete. I now know how to create a CV that should be a cut above the rest. Both relevant and useful. Excellent skills for future jobs.
PDP is an essential element of the student experience in helping to develop the key skills and qualities that help students to successful engage with their university course. It is also facilitates the awareness of and preparation for future career opportunities helps raise their employability profile in the competitive job market and fosters an appreciation of reflective practice and the benefits of continued professional development. Senior Lecturer Sports Department Over the past nine years, that I have been involved with personal and professional development, I have seen students have had to take their PDP more seriously. Students used to only see the relevance of PDP after they had completed the process in their final year. Now as the job market is even harder to get into and students know that graduate positions are hard to find, there has been a vast increase of first year students taking their PDP more seriously and looking at ways in which they can gain experience in their skills to be able to add to their curriculum vitae whilst they are in university.
Also, students are undertaking more and more voluntary experience and degree enrichment to be able to offer this to industry when they apply for employment. Senior lecturer