My Story: Ignatius Sancho is the extraordinary
true story of a young boy's life: a slave, a servant,
a business owner, a campaigner, a composer, a writer.
Greenwich 1738, and eight-year-old Ignatius lives with three sisters.
Not as a member of their family, but more or less a pet –
a toy. He serves them breakfast, lunch and dinner, fetches
and carries, does their bidding and all without thanks or
a smile. He lives with the constant possibility of being
sent away to a sugar plantation – to endure back-breaking
work away from everything and everyone he has ever known.
When the threat of being sent back to the West Indies to
be enslaved on a plantation becomes suddenly all too
real, Ignatius must escape and start to build a real and brilliant
life for himself.
an inspirational story based on real life
perfect for anyone wanting to understand more about Britain's
role in the transatlantic slave trade
an empowering and important read.
"I have to sit down. I need to wipe my eyes. Imagine, me, the
little boy who slaved for the sisters and had to fight so hard to
be able to read and write, has become the first black man to have
a say in who governs England."
Experience history first-hand with My Story.