Over the past fifty years, Françoise Henry has been the leading authority on the history of early Irish art. A pupil of Henri Focillon, she united two traditions of scholarship, one French and one Irish, and her understanding of the European context within which the art of early Christian Ireland developed has had a profound influence on subsequent research. These three volumes bring together the articles that Dr. Henry published on Irish art and its European links. The first volume is concerned with enamel and metalwork, a field in which the author specialized from the beginning. Émailleurs d'Occident looks at Western enamels, among which the Irish examples figure prominently, and the development of Irish enamelling is treated separately in the following study. Metalwork is also featured, in the form of a number of Dr. Henry's important studies on hanging-bowls, croziers, and chalices. Volume I contents include: Preface by C. Curle; Enamels; Émailleurs d'Occident; Irish Enamels of the Dark Ages and their Relation to the Cloisonné Techniques; Hanging Bowls, with Supplement; A Bronze Escutcheon Found in the River Bann; On Some Early Christian Objects in the Ulster Museum; Deux objets de bronze irlandais au Musée des Antiquités Nationales; Le calice trouvé a Derrynaflan; Les crosses pre-romanes; The Effects of the Viking Invasion on Irish Art; Additional Notes; Index.