In any industry, particularly one as dynamic as aviation, each year witnesses a considerable number of new entries into the business on the one hand whilst, on the other, older businesses fall by the wayside or are merged into other operators. Each of these airlines, however, will have a distinct identity, reflected in the livery adopted by the aircraft flow, and, for the aviation enthusiast and modeller having reference material on these airlines is all-important. Airlines Remembered 2 is a pictorial survey of many of the airlines that existed between 1950 and 1972. Each of the airlines featured, some 200 in total, is provided with an historical overview allied to information on aircraft types flown and, in each case, a colour illustration portraying a classic aircraft in the airline's livery. This volume follows on from the first series, which was published in 2000 and which featured airlines that had disappeared during the years from 1970 to 2000.