Don Hendon has compiled the best and longest list of failures made by businesses and business owners. You will learn about over 1,000 failures in this book in 101 different categories, plus more than 500 action plans to turn failure into success The Small Business Administration says most failures happen because of marketing mistakes. Dumb marketing is the main reason that products, services, and companies fail. Not finance. Not production. Not embezzlement. Dumb marketing! And thats what this book is all about -- dumb, dumber, and dumber-est marketing mistakes. But dont be fooled by the title of this book. Its not just about failure, its also about success and how you can turn your knowledge of others failures into your successes. A few of the many dumb mistakes Hendon cites include ignoring and misreading your customers deeply held values; offending various groups such as women, African Americans, Catholics, gays; and ignoring the obvious about your competitors until its too late.