Invasive species are responsible for significant impacts on agriculture, food security and health worldwide. This collection looks at a wide range of invasive species, including insects, plants, snails, fungal diseases, and approaches for detection and management.
Contributions by: B. M. A. Abdel-Banat, A. Alba, P. Alda, Marina P. Arbetman, C. Bergamino, R. C. Blackman, M. C. Boukouvala, Matthew L. Buffington, S. Burela, Nicolás R. Cecchetto, Matthew Cock, Michael Day, Kent M. Daane, H. A. F. El-Shafie, R. Enderle, Harry C Evans, Zhang FuDou, S. García-Lara, E. W. Githae, Jennifer Grenz, V. C. Griess, B. Hänfling, Kim A. Hoelmer, A. J. Hruska, S. Hurtrez-Boussès, Vanessa L. Jones, Brooks A. Kaiser, N. G. Kavallieratos, Melina Kourantidou, V. Lafond, L. Lawson-Handley, Jana C. Lee, S. Lioy, L. M. López-Castillo, M. Lounnas, P. R. Martín, B. L. Muatinte, B. M. Mvumi, J. P. Pointier, M. Porporato, M. Rusdy, E. Sabourin, L. Saveanu, M. E. Seuffert, R. H. Shaw, Shen ShiCai, V. Srivastava, John P. Stanga, J Stenlid, N. E. Tamburi, I. Unlu, Osariyekemwen Uyi, Rimvydas Vasaitis, A. A. Vázquez, Xingeng Wang, Rachel L. Winston, Eduardo E. Zattara