The volume relates the controversy concerning competing knowledge claims to truth. In a pluralist context, substantive claims can no longer be made by skirting epistemological issues. Rather, claims concerning content can only be adequately addressed once epistemological issues have been clarified. Truth must furthermore be related to the hermeneutical task of understanding another's position. Finally, truth must be related to the rules governing the path by which competing claims arrive at consensus. This volume contains interdisciplinary dialogues between philosophers of religion, theologians, historians, and biblical scholars. The interdisciplinary dialogues are structured thematically; "Truth and Reality" is the theme structuring contributions by Marvin A. Sweeney (Claremont), Christine Helmer (Claremont), Christof Landmesser (Tübingen), Kristin De Troyer (Claremont), D.Z. Phillips (Claremont), and John S. Kloppenborg (Toronto). "Truth and History" is the focus of contributions by Tammi J. Schneider (Claremont), Lori Anne Ferrell (Claremont), and Anselm Kyongsuk Min (Claremont). The theme of "Truth and Religious Pluralism" is treated in contributions by Lieven Boeve (Louvain), Richard Amesbury (Valdosta) & H. Jong Kim (Claremont), Marjorie Suchocki (Claremont), and David Ray Griffin (Claremont).