Lorraine Hellier's children's book The Elf King follows the story of a family of elves. Bay Leaf is the new Elf King. In this fantasy tale his sister, Sweet Pea, demonstrates her love and devotion for her brother.In the story, the elves go on a perilous journey to the Mountain Shrine where Bay Leaf must take his `Oath of Allegiance' to the `Moon Lake Elves'. An enchanted book offers advice and guidance from their ancestors and warns Sweet Pea to take care of her brother several times during the journey. Bay Leaf almost loses his life... Sweet Pea supports Bay Leaf throughout the journey, but will her interference bring resolution to Bay Leaf's heartache on their return? This traditional tale of love and loyalty will appeal to children aged between 7-9 that enjoy fantasy tales. Lorraine uses The Elf King to raise issues surrounding family loyality and the importance of supporting each other in difficult times.