Learn to embrace the power inside you in a world geared towards extroverts in this introvert book written by psychologist and fellow introvert, Laurie Helgoe.
Introverts gain energy and power through reflection and solitude. Our culture, however, tends to celebrate extroversion. The pressure to get out there and get happier can lead people to think that an inward orientation is a problem instead of an opportunity.
Helgoe shows that the exact opposite is true: introverts can capitalize on this inner source of power. If you're looking for books on self-confidence and introversion, Introvert Power is a blueprint for how introverts can take full advantage of this hidden strength in daily life and move more confidently in the world.
Revolutionary and invaluable, Introvert Power includes ideas for how introverts can learn to:
Claim private space Bring a slower tempo into daily life Deal effectively with parties, interruptions, and crowdsQuiet is might. Solitude is strength. Introversion is power.
"Vivid and engaging."—Publishers Weekly, STARRED REVIEW
"A modern-day Thoreau."—Stephen Bertman, author of The Eight Pillars of Greek Wisdom