Insects affect the health and well-being of humans every day, everywhere, so the entomology departments that study them make a crucial contribution to many aspects of life, Indeed, agricultural success in the United States and other countries depends upon the work of entomology departments within the land grant system at universities across the nation. ""Entomology at the Land Grant University"" is a thorough look at how entomology departments have adapted to shifting demographics, changes in land use patterns, environmental issues, and advances in the life sciences. With world-renowned contributors from both academia and industry, this volume is the culmination of a series of mini-symposia celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Department of Entomology at Texas A&M University. It addresses topics such as roles of entomology departments, the function of the extension service, the global reach of entomological research, genetic engineering, and future innovations in pest management and insecticide design. This insightful look into the workings of a university department within the context of a rapidly changing scientific, social, and economic climate will appeal to anyone associated with a land grant university, extension or regulatory agency, or related industry.