Blade aeroelasticity has long been regarded a distinctive and critical topic in aerospace and turbomachinery design. More recently, research activities have increased in the area of turbomachinery unsteady flows, and whilst the two topics have seemingly different applications, the many links between them give value to a complementary approach.
Unsteady Flow and Aeroelasticity in Turbomachinery is the first high level reference to provide detailed, multi-disciplinary discussion of these related topics and their increasing importance in efforts to develop low-emission and low-noise engines and generators. Filling the need for a well-written book to bring together recent research developments, author Li He seeks to take a unified approach, with emphasis given to physical understanding of the various phenomena and relevant modeling issues before discussion of prediction methods and techniques.
This unique resource is aimed at those facing unsteady aerodynamic or aeroelastic problems and aims to help engineers and researchers to overcome challenges in academic, industrial R&D and engine design environments.
There are other books on unsteady aerodynamics, and aeroelasticity. The uniqueness is in writing a book focused on these topics in turbomachinery.