With a Haynes Manual, you can do it yourself, from simple maintenance to full repairs. Every Manual is based on a complete stripdown. Our authors and technicians work out the best methods to do a job and present this with the home mechanic in mind. Our Manuals have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a competent mechanic, you can save money with Haynes., Each Manual includes:, Clear and easy to follow page layout, Full procedures written from hands-on experience, Easy-to-follow photos, Faultfinding information, How to make special tools, Colour wiring diagrams (where available).Specific Models Covered:ZR550B Zephyr 553cc 90-93; ZR550B Zephyr 553cc 91-97; ZR750C Zephyr 738cc 91-93; ZR750C Zephyr 738cc 91-95; ZR750D Zephyr 738cc 96-97. Exclusions:We regret that, owing to contractual obligations, we are unable to supply this book to residents of Austria or Germany. Please contact a local supplier.