With a deceptively light-hearted tone, Haynes reveals the deep connection of oil to everything we buy and use, how looming scarcity will change our lives, what we can do to prepare. The devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico propelled national attention to this topic. Now with gas prices rising daily, upheavals in the Middle East, where oil fields supply much of US demand, many people who previously had little interest or knowledge about oil are now clamoring for details, not only regarding the economic and environmental impact, but the future of oil drilling, how much oil we have left and what comes next. Haynes addresses 100 of the most pressing questions with an educated and quirky sense of humor, making a harsh, unpleasant subject a little easier to understand, especially in light of the potentially catastrophic situation we now face. In Peak of the Devil, Haynes not only uncovers the realities of peak oil, but offers critical guidance on what everyone can do to cut back on their consumption of energy.