Combining the insight of two-dozen expert contributors to examine key figures, events, and policies over 200 years of U.S. immigration history, this work illuminates the foundations of the ethnic and socioeconomic makeup of our nation.
The two-volume The Making of Modern Immigration: An Encyclopedia of People and Ideas is organized around a series of four dozen in-depth essays on specific aspects of American immigration history since the founding of the Republic. This encyclopedia addresses the major historical themes and contemporary research trends related to U.S. immigration, canvassing all the major policy endeavors on immigration in the last two centuries.
In addition to documenting immigration policy, the contributors devote extensive attention to the historiography of immigration, supplementing theories with cutting-edge sociological data. Not content with providing a comprehensive overview of immigration history, however, the work also offers probing investigations of key figures behind the ideas that have shaped the nation's self-understanding. Taken as a whole, this seminal work lifts out the personalities and policies that surround the composition of America's national identity, illuminating the past as a series of lessons for the future.
45 entries covering such issues as the Alien and Sedition Acts, asylees, immigration and customs enforcement, immigration and religion, and U.S.-Mexico border relations
Contributions from an international collaborative of 24 scholars from the social and human sciences
A timeline
Entry-specific bibliographies and a lengthy general bibliography