The series that launched a career and inspired a television legend. The cases of POLICE SURGEON uncovered, described and explored! 'Dr Brent's Casebook' tells the story of 'Police Surgeon', a short-lived 1960 television series that gave Ian Hendry (The Lotus Eaters', 'Get Carter') his first regular starring role. It made its mark in TV history not for what it was but for what it led to - the world beating show 'The Avengers'. Unlike its illustrious successor, 'Police Surgeon' has faded from public memory and has rarely been revisited for the purposes of research or retrospective celebration. Richard McGinlay and Alan Hayes now redress the balance, revealing information about the creation of the series, its production, transmission and narratives - including the mysterious 'Diplomatic Immunity', which never appeared in TV listings - and the circumstances that caused 'Police Surgeon' to be brought to a sudden end after just 13 weeks.