This title was first published in 2003. 9/11 has become more than a date. It has become a noun, an idea shaped and moulded by the media and the American political establishment and the rationale for the subsequent "War on Terror". But what are the real factors that have motivated the world's sole remaining superpower to engage in a permanent war declared on an often elusive and abstract enemy and risk the very relationships that have augmented that global status? While the tragic events of the 11th of September 2001 caused a sea-change in the perception and realities of American security interests and its ability to project a foreign policy agenda, simplistic views that the resulting "War on Terror" is merely "reactionary warfaring" no longer carry any credibility. To fully understand the direction of contemporary US foreign policy requires a detailed understanding of the complex political, historical and personal processes which influence America's new sense of itself and its view of the world.