The contributors to this inspiring anthology meet the challenge that everyone faces: that of becoming a whole person in both their personal and professional lives. John C. Haughey, SJ, has gathered twelve professionals in higher education from a variety of disciplines - philosophy, theology, health care, business, and administration. What they have in common reflects the creative understanding of the meaning of "catholic" as Haughey has found it to operate in Catholic higher education. Each essay in the first six chapters describes how its author has assembled a unique whole from within his or her particular area of academic competence. The last six chapters are more autobiographical, with each author describing what has become central to his or her identity. All twelve are "anticipating an entirety" with each contributing a coherence that is as surprising as it is delightful.
Contributions by: John C. Haughey, Cynthia Crysdale, Robert J. Deahl, William P. George, Richard M. Liddy, J. Michael Stebbins, Michael Amaladoss, Ilia Delio, Patrick A. Heelan, Michael McCarthy, Peter Steele, Cristina Vanin, Patrick H. Byrne, John C. Haughey