In 2013, Barbara and Axel Haubrok established the FAHRBEREITSCHAFT on the premises of the former motor pool of the SED for their outstanding collection of international conceptual art. Surrounded by automobile workshops, micro-enterprises, and artists' studios, what came into being in a carefully developed interplay of people, architecture, and history. This book shows the innovative potential and the inspiring diversity of the FAHRBEREITSCHAFT.
Artists: Carol Bove, Martin Boyce, Stanley Brouwn, Martin Creed, Cerith Wynn Evans, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Morgan Fisher, Günther Förg, Rodney Graham, Wade Guyton, Georg Herold, Raoul de Keyser, Imi Knoebel, Lone Haugaard Madsen, Meuser, Jonathan Monk, Cady Noland, Joyce Pensato, Stephen Prina, Florian Pumhösl, Karin Sander, Gregor Schneider, Andreas Slominski, Florian Slotawa, Wolfgang Tillmans, Luc Tuymans, Franz West, Christopher Williams, Haegue Yang, Heimo Zobernig et al.
Text in English and German.