The Project X Comprehension Express expert tip cards help children learn the 10 essential comprehension strategies that research shows are the most effective. One side of the card shows the name of the strategy and an icon to help children identify and remember it. The other side of the card provides a detailed explanation to help children who need more support. The cards not only help children learn the strategies they will meet in the Comprehension Express reading books, but also support them with any text they read in the wider curriculum or when reading for pleasure.
The expert tip cards are part of Project X Comprehension Express. It is a whole-class teaching programme specially built to help children in Years 4-6 (P5-P7) master comprehension and excel in the new National Reading Test. It includes Handbooks, Workbooks, Expert Tip flashcards and an Expert Tip poster. Online teaching resources and best practice films are available on to ensure its easy implementation.