You've reached 40. Married with kids. Your partner's made a decision to change careers, but mainly to get away from you and your shared home office. It's left you moping around the house wondering where your life has gone, a life measured out by Danish crime box sets and kitchen extensions. Your kids are getting older and need you less. And your friends? All of them are either getting divorced or moving away. Time for a change of scene. Time to make some new friends. Time to hit the road. To Italy and the Eternal City. The country where you both first fell in love. Time to rekindle that spark in your relationship, to rediscover that Dolce Vita or laugh trying. A hilarious story of relationships, wanderlust and family life - think Outnumbered meets My Family & Other Animals, a warm, kooky, haphazard tale of modern life. With some lovely scenery thrown in.