The False Light Programs deliberately break the Cosmic Laws. This creates an 'effect', which, in this case, is chaos. The ensuing chaos ensures humanity is kept in a space of limitation, suffering, and illusion. This book is here to explain a little more about the types of chaos that the fallen factions are responsible for. It also provides a step-by-step guide that easily surmounts the chaotic influences, and leads humanity along a safe and well-trodden path out of the illusion. In time, those who choose to tread this path will create an even wider causeway across the firmament. Each soul plays their part in this process: the more who join in, the faster humanity will ascend out of this low density vibration. All will come full circle, as hearts and minds unite in unconditional love and reverence for all life. The Divine Beings of Light from the Purest Light Realms are calling all those who wish to be of service to humanity and the greater Whole, to step forward for these teachings, which are being released at this time, to stem the flow of the False Light vibrations from causing any more harm to the Whole of Creation.
About The Author: Claire Hastain is an explorer in the worlds of expanded consciousness. She has been working with Purest Light Frequencies from the Heart of Creation, to bring deeper Truths to humanity. Her inner work has culminated in a series of books regarding Ascension, consciousness, and Light frequencies. Much of the information shared here is new Knowledge, retrieved from previously unexplored gateways. The information is being released at this time, to assist humanity to open their eyes and to start questioning their perception of reality, and the possibilities of life existing beyond their awareness, in expanded states of consciousness. For details of Claire Hastain's latest publications, kindly visit: