This book explores the clinical application and learning of art therapy relational neurobiology (ATR-N) practices. It focuses on CREATE, an integrative ATR-N model that covers six domains: Creativity in Action; Relational Resonance; Emotional Expressive Communication; Adaptive Responses; Transformation; and, Empathy. Each chapter covers a specific CREATE-ATR-N subject along with an associated media and provides clearly explained art therapy strategies that can be implemented in the classroom or applied to personal art making or client work. This unique approach marries studio art practices with interpersonal neurobiology (INB), freeing art therapists from theoretically biased frameworks and enabling them to optimize their understanding of the felt art therapy experience as well as the conceptualization and practice of their clinical skills. An authoritative text on ATR-N practices, this book will be of interest to clinicians, art therapy professors and students.