PREFACE. IS little work is not intended for the in struction of experts, nor as a guide for pro fessors. The endeavor has been throughout the book to bring the matter down to the - level of those whose opportutlities for gaining information on the branches treated have been limited. That it may prove ta them an incentive to more thorough and deeper research, is the earnest wish of A UT HOR. Chicago, 1900. What the name implies how we know It what it Is assumed to be capabie of experimental, useful and destructive effects experimeuts showing effects explanatlon two conditions, . and - attraction and repulslua may be de eloped by irictioa betaeen trvo pieces of similar material by wind, by steam the rubbing may determine the elec rical sign of the charge several articles which are - or - to each other shows the pl enomeaa o f attraction, repulsion. heat, light, and physical effects transformation of energy is generated bp moving balting the Ceyden jar boundelectricity reversal of connectionschanges polarities. Metals map be charged conductors and non-conductors or Insulators inducllon movement of electricity experiment showing repulsion of like electrical coaditioas substitute for a static machine and Leyden jar coedeasers of differeut forms how to charge a jar or conderiser disposition to escape potential, current low proporclon of each inelectroplatiag current compared wlth llghtniug discharges electrical resistance comparisons with steam and water three factors, E, R and C. SI mpk electroscope Iexpcrlrtient gold Ieaf experiment how to dis tinguish the slgn of a cltarge resides on the surface of a charged body Faradays silk bag experiment the induction of an insulated cllarge, lillustratedl t l ee xpriment with four pails Faradays charged cube no electrical force wrthin a hollow electrified conductor the electrophorus, described how to make a simple one electrical energy pressure of water abovesea level, potential below that level - potential conlparison with the see-saw neutralizing charas by combining and - conditions electrical machines Koltz, illustrated Wimbarst, illustrated discharging tongs, llltistrated experiments erfotatiotl of card, of glass, exploding a glass tube, bursliag a stick a dry wood, electric can non, repeating bottle gas gun proof-plane shape of the charged bndy affects the density of the charge points and smooth sarfaces escape of charge experiment the escaping charge produciug motion illustrated, the brush dlschargc dolls head experiment insulated stool electrical breeze. ..