'Wombat Flat's the best! We camped out near the Cascades, stayed up all night to see the sunrise, nearly got snowed in at Mt Misery . and rode across the Razorback. And a squillion other things that you'll find out when you come with us to Wombat Flat!'An irresistible companion to the best-selling At the Beach, guaranteed to occupy children for hours as they search the illustrations for the people, creatures and activities identified in the very funny text.Reviews:'Text and illustrations are so integrated and so full of wit, humour and fascinating detail I laughed out loud and guffawed but there is also beauty. At times Harvey seems to distil the essence of the Australian bush.Here is a treasure of unfailing pleasure reassurance that Australia does still produce great comic and narrative art.' Maurice Saxby, Magpies Vol 20 No 5 Nov 2005'Hilariously illustrated you can spend hours spotting every comical event that the artist has so skillfully included.' AB+P Sept 2005